I bottled my Irish Stout (batch 03) about 3 weeks ago and it still has some time to go. I tested a bottle the other day and it was relatively flat. I roused the bottles and will let them sit some more. The temperature is starting to climb a little so hopefully that will help it finish. Continue reading Batch 03 in Bottles and Batch 04 Fermenting
All posts by Geoff
Batch 02 Bottled, Batch 03 In the Fermenter
I bottled my second batch of homebrew (Bewitched Amber Ale) last weekend. It’s my last Mr Beer for a while, I’ll be brewing in my new 5 gallon setup. I did use a bottling wand this time and it was much faster, cleaner and consistent from bottle to bottle. This one should taste really good once it’s done, can’t say the same about batch #1. Continue reading Batch 02 Bottled, Batch 03 In the Fermenter
Premature Tasting for Batch #1
I got a little impatient with my first homebrew and cracked one open on Easter. It looked like beer and tasted like beer, that’s the good news. Bad news is that it certainly wasn’t fully carbonated and tasted a little “green”. Slight cider taste and what there was for a head, dissipated in a few seconds. Continue reading Premature Tasting for Batch #1
Bottling My First Homebrew Tonight
The wife bought me a Mr Beer brewing kit for Xmas and I just got around to brewing my first batch. The kit came with a West Coast Pale Ale and its getting bottled tonight. If I have the time, I’ll be starting another batch, a Bewitched Amber Ale. Continue reading Bottling My First Homebrew Tonight
New Site Goes Live – Screens.com Features Licensed Art Printed on Room Dividers and Wall Art
My company and I have been working on screens.com for a few months and we just recently launched it. We worked out licensing agreements with carefully selected licensors and are proud to represent them in our collection of Printed Room Dividers and Wall Art. Continue reading New Site Goes Live – Screens.com Features Licensed Art Printed on Room Dividers and Wall Art
A+ School Rewards Fundraiser
My daughter’s school is enrolled in the A+ School Rewards program through Stop and Shop. When you use your card, a point is accrued for every dollar you spend. At the end of each month, Stop and Shop totals all the points the school has accrued and that is used in a calculation to determine what percentage of $330,000 her school will be awarded. This is for each month in the school year.
If you shop at Stop and Shop and would like to help, just email/facebook/tweet/call me with your 13 digit Stop and Shop card #. On some key cards, there are 2 small numbers to the left and 1 small number to the right, these all need to be included.
- Gift cards, pharmacy, gas, alcohol and/or cigarette purchases are excluded from accruing points.
- This points accrual is completely separate from your typical rewards points. So you can still help out AND lower your gas price 🙂
- You can earn triple and double points by purchasing certain healthy brands.
- You can support up to 3 schools
More info here if you are interested.
The Twitter Poker Tour Championship Series
Well, I teased it during my last blog post, so here it is: We have setup a brand new tournament series called the Twitter Poker Tour Championship Series (or TPTCS for short) that will run from April until June on Full Tilt Poker. These events will run in place of the monthly leaderboard events. We have been looking for a way to mix things up a little and address the issues that some of our players and fans have, namely: Continue reading The Twitter Poker Tour Championship Series
Shaking Things up at the Twitter Poker Tour
@coolwhipflea and I have been discussing for some time now what we can do to expand and promote the Twitter Poker Tour. We have a pretty loyal, albeit small, following of die-hards that play in our weekly online poker events. Many of which have been with us since day 1. Over the years and months we have grown from 20 to 110 players and back to our regular 50 weekly players.
Some of the questions we asked ourselves:
- Is the $5 + $1 buyin too small?
- Is the one month leaderboard season too short?
- Are we providing any added value to the league?
- Are we creating compelling enough content on the Twitter Poker Tour website to attract and maintain traffic?
And over the last few weeks we have been putting together something that we hope will be exciting to our existing players and intriguing to our prospective players. We aim to answer all of the questions above, and in fact have already begun doing so.
For instance, we have started to post some poker strategy and how-to articles on-site and in the forums. Speaking of the forum, we have made steps to reinvigorate it. We have re-modded 4Get24BetMe. Some people love him, some hate him but there are a few things that are true about him: He has been a loyal supporter of the TPT since almost (if not the) beginning. He really knows how to play poker and (when he’s not being a wise-ass) does a pretty good job at explaining strategy in the forums. And he helps us out a lot behind the scenes.
As for what we have planned….that’ll have to wait for another post! Paul is working on a press release and we are finalizing some details with Full Tilt and our sponsors. When we are ready, you’ll be the first to know!
WP-Property WordPress Plugin
I have been playing around with the WP-Property plugin on my maine beach rentals website. The website was created to list my mother-in-laws beach house to help book summer rentals.
The plugin is very robust and customizable. My favorite features I’ve uncovered so far are:
– Variety of sidebar widgets
– Google maps integration and address validation
– Property search. I only have one listing, but can see the power of the search feature.
The plugin is replacing a Real Estate theme that had built in property management. But the wp-property plugin is much more intuitive and flexible.
Content Rules – The iBook
If your content is easy to find/attain/purchase/etc, chances are you’ll succeed. This post is sort of a pre-review of a new book I bought called Content Rules. The main point of this post is to tell the story of how quickly I discovered and purchased the book.
I was getting caught up on past episodes of the “Marketing Over Coffee” marketing podcast and came upon the special interview with CC Chapman episode. CC was on to discuss his recent book co-authored with Ann Handley, the aforementioned “Content Rules”. CC put on a great interview, as he always does, and I am really excited to read the book.
Towards the end of the interview CC mentioned all the places you can buy the book, one of them being the iTunes store. The interview ended as I was pulling into my driveway. I unplugged the iPhone from the car stereo, opened iBook, searched for “Content Rules”, purchased for $9.99. By the time I was walking in the door, the book was downloaded and opened for reading. Can’t get much easier than that!
I’ll be sure to post a review here once I am done reading (or while).